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Published on July 27, 2021

在冠状病毒大流行期间,学校关闭了一年多,日程也被打乱, 儿童和青少年逐渐回到面对面的学习. 复学是回归正常生活的积极步骤. 但孩子们和他们的家人对此可能会有复杂的情绪, especially with coronavirus variants circulating, more COVID-19 cases among children and teens, and outbreaks in some areas.

关于冠状病毒风险和规则的不确定性可能会使孩子们重返课堂学习复杂化. Also, 这么多月没有正常的社交活动带来的巨大影响, as well as grief and loss, can leave some children needing extra support. Carisa Parrish, Ph.D., M.A., co-director of 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心的儿科医学心理学教授, provides insights for parents and guardians.

Returning to the Classroom After COVID-19 — Mixed Emotions

Cancellations, 由于COVID-19,长时间呆在家里,打乱了家庭常规,几乎影响了每个人, including children. 假设所有的孩子都能简单地回到他们离开的地方,没有大杂烩的感情回到学校,这可能是不现实的, 从宽慰和快乐的期待到悲伤和忧虑.

“Some kids may experience excitement. Others may be depressed or have anxiety,” says Parrish.

“The past year and a half has been a whirlwind, 回到课堂可能会激起他们没有见朋友所经历的一切的情绪, 长时间呆在家里,甚至失去亲人,” Parrish says.

Tips for Parents

  • Make a plan when you can.
  • 接受你和你的孩子可能会有各种各样的情绪,并为这些情绪腾出空间.

Special Considerations — Children Who Have Lost a Loved One

With more than 600,000 coronavirus-related deaths in the U.S., thousands of children have lost a parent to COVID-19, and many others have experienced the death of grandparents, caregivers or other important adults in their lives. 返校可能会给正在悲伤中的孩子增加另一层压力.

帕里什说,家庭成员团结起来支持悲伤的孩子是很重要的, 并意识到失去和悲伤可以以不同的方式经历.

Giving the child’s school a heads-up is helpful. “If the child has lost a family member, let people at the school know, to help them prepare for the child’s return,” Parrish recommends. “一个失去亲人的孩子需要更多的眼睛来观察他们是如何处理悲伤的.” Adults at the school can also help the child acclimate, 并帮助他们处理同学提出的问题或其他关于失去亲人的提醒.

Tip for Parents

Share your feelings with people in your support network, 并鼓励你的孩子和你或他们的朋友做同样的事情. 要明白,在整个悲伤的过程中,你和你的孩子并不孤单.

School After COVID — Rules may be different

因为COVID-19疫苗尚未被批准用于更年幼的儿童, 在学校环境中,新冠肺炎的安全预防措施可能仍然适用于他们. Classrooms might look different now, with physical distancing 阻止孩子和朋友之间正常互动的措施.

Masks might still be required, which can be hard for younger children, especially if they see older, vaccinated kids and teens allowed to go without them.

帕里什说:“年幼的孩子可能会觉得他们仍然必须戴口罩是不公平的。. “父母和老师可以向孩子们解释,这一刻不会永远持续下去. 一旦安全,他们就可以摘下口罩,享受更多的活动.”

Tips for Parents

  • 帮助孩子理解上学的某些方面是他们无法控制的, but that they will be able to handle them when they arise.
  • 在你的脑海中,想象你所期望的,并预测挑战. Go through the process with your children as well.
  • 父母可以通过继续给孩子戴口罩来帮助树立一个积极的榜样. It is a small effort worth making to keep kids safe.

Parents Concerned About COVID-19 at School

孩子并不是唯一易受不确定性影响的群体. 对于担心孩子在学校感染冠状病毒的父母, 帕里什说,寻找有用的信息和积极主动会有所帮助.

“看看来自可靠来源的事实,比如 CDC (疾病控制和预防中心)可以帮助提供对风险的看法,”她说.

Coronavirus vaccines are an important factor in kids’ safety. “Getting children vaccinated for COVID-19 只要他们符合条件,”帕里什说,“就可以为他们提供保护.

“If parents are concerned about the safety of the vaccines, 有很好的数据可以让他们放心. 包括儿童在内的已安全接种疫苗的人数非常令人放心.”

让我们谈谈健康(Hablemos de Sauld) |儿童的新常态:在COVID-19期间-第一部分

Returning to School — Give it time

In general, Parrish says, 重要的是,家长们要明白——并向他们的孩子传达——没有一种正确的方式来感受回到教室.

她指出,孩子们往往能很快适应新环境. “Even if they get overwhelmed the first day, 在接下来的几天里,他们可能会习惯这种例行公事,” she says, adding that if children are particularly anxious, 在第一天开始之前,实地参观学校可以帮助他们试水.

帕里什指出,一些学校正在为那些生活中大部分时间远离其他孩子的年幼孩子缓和过渡. “老师们正在与更小的孩子们一起进行程序和活动, setting up meet and greet activities and play dates,” she says.

Tips for Parents

  • Re-integrate gradually when possible.
  • 谈谈在返校过渡期间的情况.
  • 帮助孩子确定哪些方面是有效的,并梳理出不太有用的方面.

“Kids are so flexible and resilient,” Parrish says. “But, if feelings of anxiety persist for longer than a few weeks, it’s time to speak to your child’s school counselor, pediatrician or another medical professional.”

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Scientist carefully insets a pipette into a test tube.

What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.