COVID in Babies and Kids: Symptoms and Prevention



It is important for parents and kids to take every possible safety precaution and understand all risks and symptoms related to COVID-19.

亚伦·米尔斯顿,M.D., M.H.S.他是一名儿科医生 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心 也是传染病专家 约翰霍普金斯医院, 谈到了儿童的COVID-19症状, 如何保证婴儿和儿童的安全, 受感染儿童可能对他人构成危险, 以及MIS-C的概述, an uncommon but serious condition that may be related to exposure to the virus. 

What should parents know about coronavirus variants in babies and children?

冠状病毒变异,包括 those with mutations that make them more contagious, 继续传播, particularly in areas with low rates of community COVID-19 vaccination.

For children too young to be vaccinated (and adults who have not received coronavirus vaccines) it is important to follow proven COVID-19预防措施 比如在公共场合戴口罩, indoor places to reduce the chance of becoming infected with the coronavirus.

“Indoor activities are riskier than outdoor activities, 但风险可以通过掩盖来降低, 距离, 洗手, 改善通风,米尔斯顿说.
Parents and caregivers should understand that children infected with the coronavirus can develop complications requiring hospitalization, 并能将病毒传染给他人.

在极少数情况下, children infected with the coronavirus can develop a serious lung infection and become very 感染COVID-19, 死亡已经发生. That’s why it is important to use precautions and prevent infection in children as well as adults.


It appears that women infected with the coronavirus can, 在极少数情况下, 把疾病传给她的孩子. Infants can also become infected shortly after being born. 根据 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most newborns who test positive for the coronavirus have mild symptoms or none at all, 和恢复, 但严重的病例已经发生. 孕妇应该采取额外的预防措施,包括 talking to your doctor about getting a COVID-19 vaccine以避免冠状病毒.

There is no evidence that the virus causing COVID-19 is present in breast milk but because there is a possibility of spreading COVID-19 during breastfeeding through respiratory droplets, it is very important to follow safety guidelines. 了解更多关于 COVID与母乳喂养.

COVID symptoms in babies, toddlers and children?

一般, COVID-19 symptoms in kids and babies are milder than those in adults, and some infected children may not have any signs of being sick at all.

COVID-19 symptoms for children and adults include:

  • 咳嗽
  • 发烧或发冷
  • 呼吸短促或呼吸困难
  • 肌肉或身体疼痛
  • 喉咙痛
  • 味觉或嗅觉新丧失
  • 腹泻
  • 头疼
  • 新的疲劳
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 鼻塞或流鼻涕

Some symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu are shared and it may be difficult to determine which of either might be present.

“People with flu-like symptoms should be careful about exposing other people and should get tested to see if they have COVID,米尔斯顿说。. “Testing for influenza virus can also be important, as available medicines can help reduce symptoms in those with influenza.”

Fever and cough are common COVID-19 symptoms in both adults and children; shortness of breath is more likely to be seen in adults. Children can have pneumonia, with or without obvious symptoms. They can also experience sore throat, excessive fatigue or diarrhea.

然而, serious illness in children with COVID-19 is possible, and parents should stay alert if their child is diagnosed with, 或者表现出, 这种疾病.


Parents or guardians should immediately seek urgent or emergency medical care if they notice these warning signs in a child:

  • Difficulty breathing or catching his or her breath
  • 不能吞咽任何液体
  • 新的困惑或无法觉醒
  • 蓝色的嘴唇

Hand-washing and 冠状病毒 Prevention for Children

Hand-washing — along with limiting exposure to people who are (or might be) 感染COVID-19 — is key to keeping your children healthy. Our expert shares how to properly wash hands and make it fun for the whole family.

Risk Factors for Serious COVID-19 in Children

Data from the CDC study indicate that some children may be at a higher risk for a serious case of COVID-19, 住院的:需要在医院接受治疗的:

  • 2岁以下儿童
  • Black and Latino children, who can be affected by 健康差异, leaving them disproportionately vulnerable to severe COVID-19 complications
  • 早产的儿童
  • Those living with obesity or chronic lung disease

如果你认为你的孩子是 感染COVID-19, trust your instinct, especially if the child has a cough or fever. 联系你的儿科医生, family care practitioner or urgent care clinic if you don’t have a doctor, and follow their instructions carefully regarding isolation and testing.

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)

Doctors have noted that some children may experience a condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C after an infection with the coronavirus.

Call your family doctor or pediatrician right away if your child experiences a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more that lasts more than 24 hours and at least one of these symptoms:

  • 异常虚弱或疲劳
  • 红疹
  • 腹部疼痛
  • 呕吐和腹泻
  • 红唇,裂唇
  • 红眼睛
  • 手脚肿胀


Let's Talk 健康 (Hablemos de Sauld) | The New Normal for Kids: During COVID-19 - Part I


How can immunocompromised kids get the care they need?

莱西DeLone儿童生活专家 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心, says, “Your child’s care team is your go-to resource. It’s OK to ask your child’s doctor about what specific steps they are taking to provide treatment for your child while preventing COVID-19 and if getting your child vaccinated is appropriate,她说。.

Some office visits and follow-ups may be able to shift to telemedicine, but other treatments require your child’s physical presence. “Parents can remind children that their treatment is important to keep them healthy, DeLone says. “Older children and teens might be aware of the fact that their bodies could have a harder time fighting the virus if they encounter it.

Parents can reassure them that hospitals are aware of patients’ vulnerabilities, 做好了准备并采取了预防措施.”

哮喘: Children with asthma may have more severe symptoms from COVID-19 or any other respiratory disease, 包括流感. There are no indications that most children with asthma experience severe symptoms due to the coronavirus, 但是要仔细观察它们, 如果出现症状, call the child’s doctor to discuss next steps and to arrange appropriate evaluation as needed. Keep your child’s medications refilled and take extra care to avoid things that set off asthma attacks in your child.

糖尿病: 控制血糖是关键. Children with well-managed diabetes are not expected to be more susceptible to COVID-19. But poorly controlled diabetes can weaken the immune system, so parents and doctors should watch these children carefully for signs and symptoms that may require evaluation.

How to Protect Your Kids from the 冠状病毒 and COVID-19


专家, 包括约翰霍普金斯大学, believe that there are many benefits to vaccinating children for COVID-19. The CDC recommends vaccines for children six months old and older, and experts at Johns Hopkins support those recommendations.

“Some of the coronavirus variants are very contagious, leaving unimmunized people at high risk of infection,米尔斯顿说。. “接种疫苗可以降低感染风险, 但最重要的是, significantly reduces the risk of hospitalization and death from this and other variants.”

美国.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older, 还有5岁及以上的人的助推器. 你是 最新的 on your vaccines and boosters when you have received all doses in the primary series and all boosters recommended for you, 当符合条件的. 详情请参阅 疾病预防控制中心的COVID-19疫苗建议.

了解更多有关 COVID-19 vaccine and what parents need to know.


Kids and families can reduce coronavirus risk together

Though in most cases COVID-19 seems to have less serious health consequences for children than for adults, it is important to avoid infection among children. 以下是父母和监护人可以提供的帮助:

打好所有的预防针. Ensure that all family members receive COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters as soon as they are eligible, 这同样适用于 流感疫苗 以及其他疫苗接种.

了解COVID-19的症状和体征 and be on the lookout for serious disease in kids.

记住安全预防措施 这对每个人都有帮助 远离COVID-19. 戴口罩,保持身体距离, especially if COVID-19 cases are at high levels in your area, can protect your family and other people who are vulnerable to infection.

保持手部卫生. Kids should wash their hands after using the bathroom, 打喷嚏, 咳嗽或擤鼻涕, before eating (even snacks) and immediately after coming inside from playing outdoors.

Milstone advises parents to teach kids to wash their hands regularly, 用肥皂和温水, 至少20秒. “They can help keep track of time by singing the ABCs, 这需要大约20秒才能完成,他说. 如果没有肥皂和水, Milstone says the next best option is hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.

“If your child is refusing to wash their hands or becoming very upset when asked to do so, 给他们一点小奖励可能会有帮助, 比如贴纸, 庆祝他们每次洗手. Compliment them for doing a really good job while washing their hands.” It also helps when parents set an example by washing their own hands frequently.

咳嗽和打喷嚏要小心. “Encourage everyone in the family to cough and sneeze into their elbow, 而不是他们的手, and to wash their hands after each time this occurs,米尔斯顿说. “Throw away tissues after they are used,” he adds.

不要碰脸. Parents should remind children to avoid touching their face as much as possible. Milstone says it can help if kids carry a toy that will keep their hands busy, but he notes that parents should wash those toys regularly.

保持物品清洁. Wipe down toys and surfaces your child touches regularly, especially when traveling or when near a person who is sick. Clean surfaces at home and store cleaners in cabinets that are either too high for your child to reach or are secured with childproof cabinet locks. 

解决焦虑和压力. Talking things over as a family can help identify specific fears and clarify the facts. It also helps for families to discuss a plan in case someone gets sick or something else happens that interrupts the normal routine.

“Children will look to you when deciding how to feel about COVID-19. If you feel calm and prepared, they are likely to feel similarly,” Milstone notes.


Scientist carefully insets a pipette into a test tube.

What you need to know from 约翰霍普金斯医学院.