drawing of head in profile with pituitary gland highlighted
drawing of head in profile with pituitary gland highlighted
drawing of head in profile with pituitary gland highlighted



  • The pituitary gland is a small, pea-sized organ in the brain. 大多数垂体瘤是良性的.
  • Symptoms vary depending on the type of tumor and the affected area of the pituitary gland.
  • Your health care provider may order blood and urine tests, CT扫描, 核磁共振成像, 或者活检来诊断肿瘤.
  • Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, or medication.


A pituitary tumor is an abnormal growth in the pituitary gland. 脑下垂体是大脑中的一个小腺体. 它位于鼻子后面. It makes hormones that affect many other glands and many functions in your body. 大多数垂体瘤不是癌性的(良性的)。. 它们不会扩散到身体的其他部位. But they can cause the pituitary to make too few or too many hormones, causing problems in the body.

Pituitary tumors that make too many hormones will cause other glands to make more hormones. That will cause symptoms related to each of the specific hormones. Many pituitary tumors will also press against the nearby optic nerves. 这会导致视力问题.

大多数垂体瘤没有症状. 因此,他们没有被诊断出来. Or they are found only during a routine brain imaging test. 关于 25% of people may have small pituitary tumors without knowing it.



这些肿瘤是最常见的类型. 它们不会产生额外的激素. You may not have any symptoms until the tumor is a certain size. When the tumor is big enough, it may cause headaches and vision problems. Large pituitary tumors can crush normal pituitary cells. This leads to symptoms caused by decreased hormone production.


这些良性肿瘤也很常见. 它们分泌过多的催乳素. 如果你是一个女人, high prolactin levels can make your menstrual period irregular, 甚至停止你的月经. These tumors can also cause you to make breastmilk, even if you are not pregnant or nursing. If you are a man, you may have erectile dysfunction or a lack of interest in sex. You may also have enlarged breasts, a low sperm count, or less body hair. In time, you may have headaches and vision problems.


ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) stimulates the adrenal gland to make steroids that affect metabolism. 这些被称为糖皮质激素. They reduce redness and swelling (inflammation) all over the body. 它们还会减慢你的免疫系统. 过多的ACTH会导致库欣氏病. This disease causes fat buildup in your face, neck, back, belly (abdomen), and chest. 你的胳膊和腿也会变细. You may also have purple stretch marks and high blood pressure. 这些肿瘤也会削弱你的骨骼.


这些肿瘤产生过多的生长激素. In children, too much growth hormone stimulates the growth of almost all the bones in the body. 当这种情况发生时,结果被称为巨人症. Gigantism can include increased height (over 7 feet), 非常快的增长, 关节疼痛, 大量出汗. In adults, too much growth hormone causes a condition called acromegaly. 它可能包括:

  • 头骨,手和脚都有额外的生长

  • 加深了声音

  • A change in the facial appearance because of extra growth in the facial bones

  • A wide spacing of teeth because of the growth of facial bones

  • 关节疼痛

  • 打鼾或睡眠呼吸暂停

  • 糖尿病或糖耐量受损


专家们不知道是什么导致了这些肿瘤. But a condition called multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN 1) may raise your risk. 这种病是家族遗传的.


Symptoms depend on the type of tumor and the affected area of the pituitary gland. These tumors can lead to symptoms caused by too much or too little of the pituitary hormones. 每个人的症状可能不同. The symptoms may also look like other health problems. Always see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.


Your healthcare provider will ask about your medical history and do a physical exam. 您可能还需要以下测试之一:

  • 血液和尿液测试. These tests will check hormone levels in your blood and urine.

  • CT扫描. This test uses X-rays and a computer to make images of your body.

  • 核磁共振成像. 这个测试使用大磁铁, 无线电波, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures in your body.

  • 活组织检查. During this test, the provider removes a tissue sample with a needle or during surgery. 然后在显微镜下检查. A biopsy can tell if cancer or other abnormal cells are present.


Your health care provider will figure out the best treatment for you based on:

  • 你多大了?

  • 你的整体健康和病史

  • 你病得有多严重?

  • How well you can handle certain medicines, treatments, or therapies

  • 这种情况预计会持续多久

  • 你的意见或偏好


  • 手术切除肿瘤. Surgery is often a better option for smaller tumors.

  • 外部辐射(外束治疗). This treatment sends high levels of radiation right to the cancer cells. Special shields may be used to protect the tissue around the treatment area. These treatments are painless and usually last a few minutes.

  • 放射治疗(立体定向放射治疗)或伽玛刀治疗. This uses 1 high dose of radiation sent right into the cancerous tissue. 它对附近组织的损伤较小. 这实际上不是外科手术. But like surgery, it is a 1-session treatment that removes the tumor.

  • 医学. Different types of medicine may be used to control how much growth hormone is made by the tumor.

垂体肿瘤: 你需要知道的 about Surgery

Learn from Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and surgical director of the Pituitary Center, 加里高卢, 关于被诊断为脑垂体瘤的人, their family members and caregivers should know about this condition and the latest surgical treatment options available.


Call your healthcare provider if your symptoms return or you have new symptoms.


  • A pituitary tumor is an abnormal growth in the pituitary gland. 大多数垂体瘤不是癌症(良性).

  • 脑下垂体是大脑中的一个小腺体. It makes hormones that affect many other glands and many functions in your body.

  • Symptoms vary depending on the type of tumor and the affected area of the pituitary gland.

  • Your healthcare provider may order blood and urine tests, CT扫描, 核磁共振成像, 或者活检来诊断肿瘤.

  • Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, or medicine.

