Our Team

  • Khyzer Bin Izhar Aziz医学博士

    • 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心首席医疗信息官
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests:

    Neonatal Precision Medicine; Clinical Decision Support Tools; Generative Artificial Intelligence; Ethics; Federated Learning; Limits of Viability; Shared Decision Making & Critical Care Communication

  • Renee Boss, MD

    • 副教授,伦勃朗基金会儿科姑息治疗教授
    • Professor of Pediatrics

    Expertise: 临终关怀和姑息治疗,新生儿科

    Research Interests: 临床医师与家长沟通,新生儿重症监护,新生儿姑息治疗

  • Raul Chavez Valdez, MD

    • 儿科副教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 炎症和营养的机制,围产期神经系统疾病

  • May Chen, MD

    • 新生儿-围产期医学奖学金培训项目副主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 脑损伤,近红外光谱.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病,神经保护,即时超声

  • Suneetha Desiraju, MD

    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests:

    Neonatal hemodynamics, pulmonary hypertension, 先天性膈疝, 坏死性小肠结肠炎, anemia of prematurity, general prematurity, medical education

  • Pamela K. Donohue, ScD

    • 新生儿学部临床研究主任

    Research Interests: 在医院和出院后为早产和危重婴儿提供的卫生服务系统, 妇幼保健, Neonatology, 出生体重极低婴儿家庭的结果, 关于胎儿和新生儿关键决策的医患沟通, Prematurity

  • Jennifer Fundora, MD

    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: Necrotizing Enterocolitis; Gastroschisis; Neonatal Nutrition

  • 莫林·玛丽·吉尔摩,医学博士

    • 约翰霍普金斯医院新生儿重症监护室主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 自动调节监测和早产, 缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE), 新生儿戒断综合征, 新生儿血压自动调节, Patient Safety

  • 威廉·克里斯托弗·戈登,医学博士

    • 约翰霍普金斯医院新生儿看护室主任
    • 儿科副教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 新生儿胆红素代谢, Neonatal Brain Injury, 新生儿先天性感染/, 儿科医学教育

  • Michelle Marie Gontasz,医学博士

    • 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心新生儿重症监护室副主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: Quality improvement and safety; neonatal-perinatal medicine; bronchopulmonary dysplasia reduction in pre-term infants; administration of antibiotics for newborns with suspected early onset sepsis; point of care ultrasound; the use of NICU “pictographs” to reduce medical errors during order-writing in the EMR

  • Julia Johnson, MD PhD

    • 临床研究副主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

  • Amaris M. Keiser, MD

    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests:

    Disparities in adverse birth outcomes; perinatal epidemiology; genetic epidemiology; fetal and perinatal complex care coordination

  • 郭杨,医学博士,公共卫生硕士

    • 儿科讲师

    Expertise: Neonatology

  • Wayne Keith Leung, MD

    • 儿科讲师

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: Point-of-care ultrasound; point-of-care echocardiography; hemodynamics; bronchopulmonary dysplasia prevention

  • Nethra Kumar Madurai医学博士

    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 围产期脑损伤,产前阿片类药物暴露

  • Kartikeya Makker, MBBS

    • 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心新生儿重症监护室的医学主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: Childhood development, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, 支气管肺发育不良(BPD), neonatal pulmonology, quality improvement

  • Sara Maria Munoz-Blanco, MD

    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 沟通技巧教育,新生儿重症监护,健康公平., 新生儿姑息治疗, patient-clinician沟通, 儿童慢性危重疾病(pCCI)

  • Larry Mark Nogee, MD

    • 尤多伍德新生儿肺科临时主任
    • Professor of Pediatrics

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 儿童间质性肺病, 基因表面活性剂功能障碍, 间质性肺病, Neonatal lung disease

  • Frances Northington, MD

    • 神经科学重症监护室联合主任
    • Professor of Pediatrics

    Expertise: Neonatology

  • Maide Ozen, MD

    • 新生儿模拟教育主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 高维免疫分析, 炎症/感染诱导脑损伤的机制, 新生儿-围产期免疫细胞生物学, Neuroimmunology, Systems biology

  • Emily P Sangillo, MD

    • 儿科讲师

    Expertise: Neonatology

    Research Interests: 支气管肺发育不良(BPD), clinical informatics, genetic epidemiology, health care outcomes, patient safety, pulmonary hypertension

  • Brittany L. Schwarz, MD

    • 新生儿-围产期医学奖学金培训项目主任
    • 儿科助理教授

    Expertise: Neonatology

Research Team

Lauren Jantzie, PhD

  • 儿科副教授

Research Interests: 大脑分, chorioamnionitis, neuroinflammation, 小儿创伤性脑损伤, perinatal brain injury, posthemorrhagic脑积水