Pediatric Rounds It’s Personal for These Diabetes Nurse Educators

For young patients who have diabetes, 将控制疾病作为他们日常生活的一部分是一项全方位的挑战, says Maggie West, lead nurse and a pediatric diabetes nurse educator with the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Diabetes Center at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. “我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台或他们的父母无时无刻不在考虑他们的血糖,” she adds. “It affects every single decision they make.”

韦斯特对此有切身体会:她13岁时被诊断出患有1型糖尿病. Fortunately, 韦斯特有一位儿科糖尿病护理教育工作者,他改变了她对糖尿病生活的看法. 韦斯特挣扎着给她的血糖分配道德价值——她认为这些数字反映了她有多在乎,她有多努力, as well as her future success in general. Her nurse educator, who also had type 1 diabetes, 不断强调她的血糖与做一个好人没有关系. 这是韦斯特需要听到的教训,也是她今天试图灌输给她的推荐十大正规网赌平台和他们的家人的教训.

“如果我没有与儿科糖尿病护士教育者的这种经历, I think I would have a very different nursing career,” says West, who has been in the field for six years. “我觉得她对我的理解是其他临床医生无法做到的. 那时候,对我来说,看到一个患有1型糖尿病的成年人健康成长是非常重要的.”

At the Children’s Center, 韦斯特是四名儿科糖尿病护士教育工作者之一,他们被吸引到这个专业,因为他们与这种疾病有个人联系. Like other nurse educators, 他们向年轻患者及其家属传授糖尿病护理技术, pharmaceuticals and more, and offer support in incorporating blood sugar checks, insulin administration and diabetes management into everyday life. 但这些护士也能够利用自己应对这种疾病的经验, 这通常能让他们与推荐十大正规网赌平台建立更深层次的联系.

“我们的糖尿病护士是我们糖尿病项目的基石, 在支持我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台和他们的家人方面发挥着关键作用,” says Risa Wolf, director of the Pediatric Diabetes Program. “这些护士在管理自己或孩子的糖尿病方面的个人经验为我们的患者面临的挑战提供了共同的经验和同理心联系. 他们独特的视角使他们能够为我们的年轻患者及其家属提供更富有同情心和更有效的护理.”

“Our diabetes nurse educators are special people,” adds Sheela Magge, director of the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology. “他们不仅是儿科糖尿病护理技术方面的专家, 但他们也从自己的糖尿病经历中汲取经验,为那些生活被这种疾病搅得天翻地覆的家庭提供卓越而富有同情心的护理.”

Tacy Surrett, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 6 years old, 还记得一边在学校上课一边努力控制疾病的感觉. 当她需要离开教室去校正血糖时, she says, “I ran into some misunderstandings with teachers, staff and friends.” At various times throughout her youth, Surrett, who attended schools in England, Germany, Turkey and Maryland, 最终制作了一个ppt,向她所在的各个学校社区宣传1型糖尿病. 这段经历帮助她理解了她的推荐十大正规网赌平台可能面临的一些社会挑战. 

Surrett, who joined the pediatric diabetes nurse educator team in July, is also able to share her experience with diabetes tools. She has tried several types of insulin pumps, 哪一种小型装置可以通过一个微小的导管将胰岛素释放到体内. 她还熟悉注射胰岛素的用法, 大约20%的儿童中心患者仍在使用这种方法. Surrett甚至能够对一个不确定是否使用Dexcom G7连续血糖监测仪的患者进行模拟. 她说:“我们同时把显示器插进去,那真是一个美妙的时刻。. 

For Cathy Evason, 儿科糖尿病护士教育工作者在教她如何在儿子之后作为父母应对这种疾病方面至关重要, Ethan, age 11 at the time, 2013年被诊断出患有1型糖尿病,随后在儿童中心接受治疗. 血糖过高或过低都会导致严重的并发症, such as seizures and diabetic ketoacidosis, which can be life-threatening. Many factors, including excitement, stress and external temperature, can cause blood sugars to dip too far in either direction. Through the educators, 埃瓦森学会了如何在不同的环境下帮助儿子控制糖尿病, including in school, on the sports field and at friends’ houses.

“I was constantly worried,” says Evason, 在2023年加入儿童中心之前,谁在普通儿科以及学校和营地护理工作. “我经常与儿科糖尿病护士教育者保持联系. 我和他们在一起的经历太棒了,所以对我来说回报他们是很重要的.”

Amanda Palmer felt a similar pull toward the diabetes care field after her son, Elliot, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 3 in 2011. 当时,帕尔默是一名传染病流行病学家,正准备上护理学校. As the parent of a child with a chronic disease, she has been through some challenging times, 包括她和丈夫在每个工作日的午餐时间轮流去儿子的幼儿园给他打针的那三个月. 她也知道持续担心孩子的健康是什么感觉, which helps her develop a connection with other parents.

“我能理解夜间连续血糖监测仪响起的意思, and it wakes you up and you have a moment of panic,” says Palmer, 他在马里兰大学从事儿科糖尿病护理工作三年,然后于2022年加入儿童中心. “我想我的家人可能比那些没有同样生活经历的人更能理解我.”