约翰霍普金斯儿童医院 语言服务

Our master’s level speech-语言 pathologists are experienced in evaluating and treating a wide range of speech and 语言 delays in children of all ages, 其中包括婴儿.

We provide a variety of evidence-based treatments to help develop your child’s speech and 语言 skills, and tailor your child’s treatment plan to his or her individual condition and needs.

家长培训是我们项目的重要组成部分. We will teach you exercises and activities that you can do with your child at home to help their speech and 语言 development between sessions. We also have observation rooms so you can observe your child’s therapy.

Approximately 6-10% of children have some form of speech and 语言 delay. Early evaluation and treatment can make a difference in helping your child develop the skills they need to communicate to the best of their ability at home, 在学校和社区.



Identifying a child’s difficulties and strengths through an evaluation is the first step to helping his or her communication problems. Our therapists are skilled in administering formal tests, 以及观察游戏, interaction and conversation to assess your child’s speech and 语言 skills.

Your child’s initial speech-语言 evaluation appointment will take up to two hours. When you bring your child for his or her evaluation, please bring a completed patient history form. 你可以找到表格 在线这里 (西班牙语版)或致电我们的办公室 727-767-4141 收到一份副本.

在评估期间,家长将留在房间里. The speech-语言 therapist will first help your child feel comfortable with the evaluation room through play. If your child has a special toy that would help him or her feel comfortable during the evaluation, 请随身携带.

Results and recommendations will be reviewed at the time of the evaluation with a full comprehensive report to follow. 如果建议进行治疗, the evaluating therapist will provide information regarding locations for therapy and scheduling options.

In addition to one-on-one speech-语言 therapy sessions, some of the specialized treatments and services we offer include:

  • 辅助和替代沟通: Alternative communication options for children with medical conditions that impact their speech and 语言, 包括非科技, 低技术和高技术方法.
  • 双语评价: Children who grow up in a bilingual home may develop 语言 differently than children who are exposed to only one 语言. Our bilingual therapists are trained to evaluate a child’s speech and 语言 skills while considering cultural differences and all 语言s to which the child is exposed. Assessment will determine if he or she has a true delay, or if communication difficulties are related to your child learning more than one 语言.
  • 学前语文班: A group for children ages 2-4 with 语言 delays to help them develop their speech, 语言, 游戏和社交技能.
  • 社交技能小组: Groups for children and teens age 5-17 with conditions such as autism or social communication disorder to help them develop their social communication skills.
  • x射线语音研究: Evaluations to accurately diagnose children with resonance and speech sound disorders.


而每个孩子都是不同的, there are some common signs that your child may need a speech-语言 evaluation. 这些包括:

  • 发音不清楚
  • 学习新声音或单词的延迟
  • Difficulty being understood by parents and caregivers
  • Difficulty using different 语言 concepts or putting words together in sentences (as appropriate for his or her age)
  • 由于无法沟通而感到沮丧
  • 音量不合适或声音质量差
  • 缺乏模仿能力
  • 与他或她的年龄相比,词汇量有限
  • 社交能力差
  • 语速快

Some examples of developmental milestones according to age are:


  • 发出不同的、有趣的声音(叫做咿呀学语)
  • Laugh, gurgle or coo with familiar people and react to loud voices (friendly or angry)
  • 转过来听新的声音


  • 回复姓名
  • Produce four or more different sounds and use syllables like ba and da
  • 倾听他们自己和他人的声音


  • 可能会说" mama "和/或" dada "
  • Uses jargon, which is babbling that sounds like speech
  • 重复某些音节或声音序列

12 - 17个月大时:

  • 懂得说“不”和简单的指示
  • Uses “mama” and “dada” and several other words, typically nouns, and imitates familiar words
  • Points and gestures communicate wants or call attention to an event


  • 能理解简单的问题和说明
  • 问一些简单的问题,比如“这是什么??或者“那是什么??”
  • Uses sentences or phrases of about two to three words


For your child's first visit, we'll ask you to fill out a completed patient history form. 你可以找到表格 在线这里 (西班牙语版)或致电我们的办公室 the phone number below 收到一份副本. Please bring the completed form to your child's appointment. 医疗记录可传真至727-767-8847.


For more information or to make an appointment for speech-语言 evaluation, 打电话给727-767-4141.


填写我们的网上表格 and our team will reach out to you shortly to schedule an appointment.