Developmental Milestones

Consult the list below to see if your child is meeting typical Developmental Milestones. As your child gets older, check to see if they meet the milestones below.

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My Developmental Milestones

3 Months Old

At 3 months, I should be able to: 

  • Turn my head toward bright light
  • Look at your face 
  • Lift my head while on my stomach
  • Make cooing sounds
  • Smile
3 Months Old

3 - 6 Months Old

At 3-6 months, I should be able to:

  • Recognize the difference between happy and sad voices
  • Play with my hands and feet
  • Bring most objects to my mouth
  • Reach for objects with both hands
  • Roll over
  • Turn to find your voice
3 - 6 Months Old

6 - 9 Months Old

At 6-9 months, I should be able to:

  • Begin crawling 
  • Smile at myself in a mirror
  • Explore objects closely with hands & eyes
  • Play peek-a-boo and patty cake
  • Begin to sit without assistance
  • Babble
6 - 9 Months Old

9 - 12 Months Old

At 9-12 months, I should be able to: 

  • Pull to stand
  • Take a few steps while holding on
  • Copy your sounds
  • Drop and throw objects
  • Use 1-3 words
  • Hold my bottle
9 - 12 Months Old

12 - 15 Months Old

At 12-15 months, I should be able to:

  • Walk without support
  • Stack 2-3 blocks
  • Feed myself some finger foods
  • Say 4-5 words
  • Make my voice go up and down to sound like a conversation
  • Listen to a story
12 - 15 Months Old

15 - 18 Months Old

At 15-18 months, I should be able to: 

  • Walk and maybe run a little
  • Climb up or down one stair
  • Enjoy pull toys
  • Mark a crayon on paper
  • Partially feed myself
  • Say 7-20 words
  • Throw a ball
  • Drink from a cup and eat with a spoon
15 - 18 Months Old

18 - 24 Months Old

At 18-24 months, I should be able to:

  • Kick a large ball
  • Turn pages, 2 or 3 at a time
  • Imitate housework
  • Recognize familiar pictures and know if they are upside down
  • Ask for items by name
  • Use two words together
  • Make circular strokes with a pencil
18 - 24 Months Old

24 - 36 Months Old

At 24-36 months, I should be able to:

  • Stand on one foot for a moment 
  • Walk up stairs
  • Ride a tricycle
  • Feed myself
  • Open a door
  • Jump in place
  • Tell you when I need to use the toilet
  • Partially dress and undress
  • Share toys
  • Use 3 word sentences
  • Name at least one color
24 - 36 Months Old

Starting interventions early puts children on the right path to learn and develop at their fullest potential. If you have a child or know of a child who may need Early Steps services, call toll-free at 1-800-374-4334 (voice or TDD) or contact us online.

The West Central Early Steps program serves families residing in Pinellas, Pasco and Hernando counties. If you live in another county, you can find your program through the Children's Medical Services Early Steps program web site.