2020年6月8日星期一| zoom网络研讨会 If the Medicine Fits: The Promise of Precision Medicine in Action


现在是第12个年头了 基础生物医学研究所 gathers science reporters for an annual, daylong event focused on a single research topic. Journalists enjoy firsthand access to Johns Hopkins University 医学院 researchers and physicians, getting the opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in health, 医学和科学. Past events focused on topics ranging from sensory biology to epigenetics to pain and tissue regeneration and the brain to metabolism research and the immune system and immunology. Nearly 100 记者 and science writers from all regions in the U.S. 和加拿大都参加了这次独家活动.


The 科学作家训练营 is open to science communicators of all types including writers, 记者, 博主和公共信息官员. To join our email list for information about our events, please contact us at (电子邮件保护).




9 - 9:15 AM


  • The Origin of the Promise: Basic as the Foundation of Precision Medicine
  • 医学的基石从何而来? They don’t just magically appear or gel into a concrete research idea from nothing. They come from sound principles of the most fundamental concepts of human biology. Nobel Prize-winning discoveries of biologic mechanisms awarded in the past two years are the foundation from which scientists are building more precise treatments. James Berger will illustrate the path from basic science to clinical advancements.

安东尼·罗森,m.s.B.Ch.B., M.S.

约翰霍普金斯医学健康中心的联合主任, 研究副院长, 玛丽·贝蒂·史蒂文斯医学教授, 细胞生物学教授

9:15 - 9:45 AM


在医疗保健方面, patients are like the Galapagos finches and the tortoises, subjects that Charles Darwin wrote “struck him with wonder.” The existence of distinct subgroups can be visualized with both distinct features and through distinct biological behavior. 疾病亚群是破坏性的原则, 如果利用, has the power to greatly impact the understanding and course of disease. 安东尼·罗森, 约翰霍普金斯医学健康中心的联合主任, will discuss how 约翰霍普金斯医学院 works to achieve a new level of precision in health care.


Jeff Siewerdsen博士.D.

约翰·C. 马龙教授
罗素教授. 摩根放射科
Associate Faculty, Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality

9:45 - 10 AM

Imaging for Precision Medicine: From Surgery to COVID-19 - 

Nearly a half-million patients undergo spine surgery each year, but not every patient receives the outcome they desire. Jeff Siewerdsen将介绍SpineCloud, a method that uses a patient’s medical images and AI predictive models to help guide decision path, 手术计划, 康复及结果. The SpineCloud method is an example of how medical imaging plus AI can improve precision medicine, 以外科手术为例, 心脏病学, 癌症治疗甚至COVID-19检测, 治疗和长期结果.

Jeff Siewerdsen博士.D.

Kenneth Witwer博士.D.

Associate Professor of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology

10 - 10:15 AM

How the Body’s Postal System Informs Disease Diagnosis and Treatment -

这个国家有一个独特的邮政系统. Small packages bud off of the surface of cells carrying specific contents from one cell to the other. These packages can tell clinicians where disease cells are located and can be used to deliver drugs to a specific type of cell. Ken Witwer will speak about how we can use this system to better diagnose and treat diseases.
Kenneth Witwer博士.D.


Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences

10:15 - 10:30 AM

正确的药物. 正确的剂量和时间. -

从历史上看, drug-dosing has depended on inaccurate predictors of human metabolism, 比如重量, 身高和性别. Now researchers are developing tools to empower clinicians to personalize drug dosing to a patient’s individual metabolism. Netz Arroyo will talk about the implantable biosensors that he is developing for this purpose.



10:30 - 10:45 AM

Molecular Interaction with Genome Tips the Balance Between Normal and Cancer -

When Cynthia Wolberger used cryogenic electron microscopy to make high resolution images — down to the atomic level — of an enzyme called Dot1L that aids how genes are turned on and off, she never expected to find a cavity in the enzyme that could be an Achilles’ heel that, 如果堵塞了, 会使酶失效. Since Dot1L is overly active in some forms of childhood cancer, a drug that acts on this cavity could be an effective new treatment. Wolberger will take the audience through the discovery and her work with clinicians to find a treatment that specifically targets the enzyme.


Panel Discussion: COVID-19 – Moving from the Bench to the Bedside

Lisa Maragakis, m.s.D., M.P.H.

Senior Director of Infection Prevention, The Johns Hopkins 健康 System
Lisa Maragakis, m.s.D., M.P.H.

H. 本杰明·拉曼博士.D.

H. 本杰明·拉曼博士.D.

