Educator of the Month

July 2024: David Zee

Tip of the Month: 了解你的听众:当对母语不是英语的人群演讲时(通常使用ppt):语速要慢,不要用复杂的句子或不寻常的句子, highfalutin words. 在开场白中给出演讲的路线图. 在谈话词幻灯片中穿插一些要点,以便记住.g.,“临床珍珠”,或“记住”或“笔记”.  At the end of your talk, use a conclusion slide, which contains up to five but no more, take home messages.  Tell them what you want them to remember. One more on Know your audience, 在给其他专业的住院医生授课时, 确保你的一些教学是针对他们的兴趣. For example, 如果内科的住院医师在神经病学上轮转而你发现他们的目标是成为胃肠病学家, teach them the neurology of the GI tract, e.g. tabes, porphyria, lead poisoning, 线粒体和自身免疫性疾病会影响大脑和胃肠道.


David Samuel Zee, MD

Expertise: Neurotology

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

June 2024: Sean Tackett

Tip of the Month: Think like a scientist. 系统地准备教育经历. 收集数据来评估学习目标和评估教学. 每一次教育经历都是一次实验,你总是试图从中学习. 最重要的是,科学关乎谦卑和检验假设. 通过询问学习者他们知道什么和/或他们的感受来避免假设, 保持透明,避免对自己做出错误的假设. 这可以培养信任,也可以自由地脆弱和犯错, which are key ingredients for learning.

月度教育家:2024年6月Sean Tackett, M.D.

Sean Tackett, MD MPH

  • International Medical Education Director, Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Expertise: Hospital Medicine

Primary Location: 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心,马里兰州巴尔的摩市

May 2024: Tina Zhang

Tip of the Month: 优先为你的学习者创造一个支持性的学习环境. 这对你成为一名成功的教育者至关重要, 无论你是在教室里教学还是在病房里带领团队. With a positive learning environment, 学习者更有可能进行深思熟虑的反思, ask questions, and embrace growth mindset thinking. 创造一个安全的空间可以让学习者去探索, struggle, reflect, and grow without fear of judgement. To do this, 试着在一开始就设定清晰而现实的期望, promote open communication, 为学习者提供频繁的观察和形成性反馈.


Tina Zhang, MD

  • 约翰霍普金斯大学医学教育途径部住院医师项目联合主任

Expertise: Internal Medicine

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Health Care & 手术中心-绿泉站,Lutherville, Lutherville, MD

April 2024: Charles Locke

Tip of the Month: 当参加一个教法服务时, 上午查房时,请做报告的实习生凭记忆做报告, and ask another to pull up the H& P on a WOW.  告诉在场的实习生,这不是记忆竞赛, 只要尽可能多地展示他们记得的数据,他们可以问他们在WOW的同事作为参考,如果他们不记得的数据.

The presenting interns almost always do a really good job; they remember all the important stuff, 他们省去了很多无关的信息,演讲最终变得更加集中和简洁.  这也让另一个实习生(WOW的那个)积极参与到演示中.


Charles F. Locke, MD

Expertise: Internal Medicine

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

March 2024: Mary Newman

Tip of the month: Meet your students where they are! 了解他们是谁,他们的目标是什么,他们的困难是什么. 问别人没有问过的问题. Listen before you teach. 不知不觉中你就会成为一名优秀的老师.

Learn more about Dr. Newman

IEE Educator of Month: March 2024 | Mary M. Newman, MD

February 2024: Jed Wolpaw

Tip of the Month: 你能为学习者做的最有力的事情之一就是告诉他们你的错误.  Tell them about a time you failed.  告诉他们有一次出了问题,一个推荐十大正规网赌平台受伤了.  If we, as educators and leaders, don’t tell them these stories, then when it happens to them, and it will happen to them at some point, 他们会觉得自己有问题.  他们会认为他们不够好,不能成为一名医生.  But if they hear our stories, 也许他们会来找我们,而不是离开, and say, “Remember what you told me? It happened to me too.“我们可以帮助他们避免成为第二个受害者, and to grow and learn, rather than shrivel and fold, from their mistake.

Watch the video. 

Learn more about Dr. Wolpaw.

January 2024: Jay Baraban

Tip of the Month: Stories inspire.  考虑花点时间讲一个故事,说明你的创造力或意外发现导致了你讲座的核心发现.  而不是从核心材料上分散注意力, 一段合适的轶事会给学生一个钩子,帮助他们抓住关键的一课. Years later, 学生们告诉我,这些故事让他们印象深刻,经常激发他们学习更多知识的兴趣.