
脊柱和神经肿瘤研究小组专注于了解潜在的机制, 脊柱和周围神经肿瘤的病理生理及危险因素. 我们还致力于开发和完善这些肿瘤的诊断工具和新的治疗范例.

早期检测, accurate diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of these therapies can lead to identifying the most effective treatment strategies, 改善预后,提高患者生活质量.


  • 开发新的预测工具, such as our clinical prediction calculators that use patient data to generate risk assessment scores or predictive models. 潜在的好处包括允许临床医生:
    • 更好地理解某种干预的风险和收益
    • 就治疗方案和手术方法做出明智的决定, 制定量身定制的治疗方案
    • 预测个别患者的预后
    • 与患者一起设定切合实际的期望
    • 与患者分享决策,促进以患者为中心的护理
  • Analyze patient medical imaging data to aid in interpretation and informed decision-making regarding diagnosis and treatment. 这些系统可以提供基于证据的建议, suggest appropriate treatment options or help in surgical planning based on the patient’s condition and medical history.


Daniel Lubelski,医学博士

  • 神经外科脊柱肿瘤外科主任
  • 神经外科助理教授
