
The Memory Disorders Programs at Johns Hopkins provide comprehensive, compassionate and timely diagnosis and treatment to people with a variety of memory disorders. 我们关心护理的各个方面, from diagnosis and treatment to improving care and developing new therapies through research in brain imaging and laboratory studies. 我们的团队包括神经病学专家, 精神病学和老年医学, 谁密切合作,提供最先进的护理. Our mission is to improve the lives of patients living with memory disorders.


There are several clinical programs at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center dedicated to diagnosis and treatment of memory disorders. Each program is led by an outstanding clinician with many years of experience in clinical care.


造成记忆障碍的原因有很多. Some develop suddenly and stay the same over time, while others progress. 这些疾病在50年前是无法治愈的. Now some treatments are available and better ones are on the horizon. 在我们的健康部分了解有关这些疾病的更多信息:



  • 健忘综合征
  • 短暂性全局遗忘(TGA)


彼得V. 拉宾,M.D.


彼得V. 拉宾,M.D.


Our research program in memory disorders seeks to improve understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease and accelerate early diagnosis, so that novel treatments can be implemented at the point in the disease process when they are most likely to be effective. We also seek to understand more about modifiable health and life-style changes that influence risk for disease. Our researchers also conduct clinical trials of some of the most promising strategies.


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