
我们在综合移植中心的医生和科学家团队继续在器官移植的有效性和进步方面取得突破性的发现. 这些医学发现改变了推荐十大正规网赌平台的生活和医学的未来.

The Johns Hopkins Transplant Research Center


Research Labs

Christian Merlo Lab

Principal Investigator: Christian Merlo, M.D., M.P.H.

Christian Merlo实验室的工作包括肺动静脉畸形的研究, 肺移植与囊性纤维化(CF)治疗的预后, and HIV-related pulmonary disease. 我们研究了肺动静脉畸形的诊断和治疗方法,以及感染多种耐药铜绿假单胞菌的成年CF患者的预后. 我们最近的研究还探讨了肺移植成功或失败的受体和供体变量, 以及国家医疗保健系统对CF患者肺移植结果的影响.

Research Areas: 囊性纤维化,肺动静脉畸形,艾滋病,肺病,肺移植

headshot of Christian Merlo

Christine Durand Lab

Principal Investigator: Christine Durand, M.D.

Dr. Christine Durand, 医学和肿瘤学助理教授,约翰霍普金斯金梅尔癌症中心成员, 是否参与了针对需要癌症和移植治疗的艾滋病毒和丙型肝炎病毒感染者的临床和转化研究. 她目前的研究工作包括观察实体器官移植后丙型肝炎治疗的结果, 将感染艾滋病毒的供体器官用于感染艾滋病毒的实体器官移植候选人的可能性, and HIV cure strategies including bone marrow transplantation.

Dr. Durand is supported by multiple grants:


Research Areas: Bone Marrow Transplantation, transplants, infectious disease, AIDS, HIV, Solid Organ Transplantation, hepatitis C

headshot of Kristine Durand

Duvuru Geetha Lab

Principal Investigator: Duvuru Geetha, M.B.B.S.

Dr. Geetha的团队专注于全身性血管炎患者的肾脏疾病以及肾移植患者的BK病毒肾病. 我们的研究包括利妥昔单抗与环孢素治疗特发性膜性肾病的有效性的临床试验,以及贝利单抗与硫唑嘌呤维持多血管炎和显微镜下多血管炎肉芽肿病缓解的多国研究. We also have conducted research on the treatment of ANCA vasculitis, particularly in kidney transplant patients.

Research Areas: granulomatosis with polyangiitis, kidney diseases, vasculitis, kidney transplants, Glomerulonephritis, nephrology

headshot of Duvuru Geetha

Edward Kraus Lab

Principal Investigator: Edward Kraus, M.D.

Dr. Kraus的研究小组调查了影响肾脏移植长期成功或失败的因素,以及少数民族肾脏学护理和移植的障碍. We research many topics dealing with kidney transplant rejection, including diagnostic criteria, infection risk and incompatibility factors. 我们的实验室对胰腺移植也有长期的兴趣,并进行了研究,以建立诊断抗体介导的胰腺异体移植排斥反应的指南-更新的Banff分级方案.

Research Areas: 肾移植,肾脏病学,健康差异,胰腺移植

headshot of Edward Kraus

Jonathan Orens Lab

Principal Investigator: Jonathan Orens, M.D.

乔纳森·奥伦斯实验室的研究考察了诸如肺移植的临床结果等主题, chronic allograft rejection and ischemic reperfusion injury, also known as primary graft dysfunction.

Research Areas: 缺血再灌注损伤,慢性同种异体移植排斥反应,肺医学,肺移植

headshot of Jonathan Orens

Lonny Yarmus Lab

Principal Investigator: Lonny Yarmus, D.O.

在Lonny Yarmus实验室进行的临床试验主要集中在肺癌患者的微创诊断测试和恶性气道阻塞的局部治疗选择. We investigate ways to improve the early diagnosis of lung cancer, as well as the treatment of later-stage cancer, using the least invasive methods possible. 我们也参与了针对呼吸困难和严重肺气肿患者的LIBERATE临床研究.

Research Areas: emphysema, interventional pulmonology, airway stenosis, minimally-invasive diagnostic testing, lung cancer, central airway obstructions, lung transplant

headshot of Lonny Yarmus

Nada Alachkar Lab

Principal Investigator: Nada Alachkar, M.D.

Dr. Alachkar的研究重点是肾移植后复发性肾小球疾病. In particular, 她一直在研究几个国家肾移植后复发性FSGS, partially NIH funded, prospective research projects that focuses on circulating factors associate with recurrent FSGS and new therapies of recurrent FSGS; in addition to the outcome of the disease. Also, Dr. Alachkar是Banff复发性GN工作组的主席,该工作组专注于复发性GN的病理变化.

Dr. Alachkar的另一个研究重点是不相容的活体和疾病供体移植. 她有几项正在进行的研究,重点是抗菌素耐药性和供体特异性抗体阳性患者的结果.

Research Areas: Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis in the transplanted kidney, Recurrent glomerular diseases post kidney transplant, Incompatible kidney transplant

headshot of Nada Alachkar

Pali Shah Lab

Principal Investigator: Pali Shah, M.D.

Research in the Pali Shah Lab focuses on lung transplants. Specifically, 我们对慢性排斥反应以及与肺移植相关的质量和安全性很感兴趣.

Research Areas: health care quality, pulmonary medicine, safety, lung transplant

headshot of Pali Shah