

The Johns Hopkins 人类遗传学和基因组学研究生课程 (HGG program) provides students with a robust foundation in all aspects of human genetics 和 genomics. 特别是, 基因组变异对细胞生物学的影响, 生物化学, 新陈代谢, 发展, 生理学和, 最终, 人类表型. 在此基础上建立, our trainees explore the array of mechanisms by which genetic variation interacts with environmental variables to contribute to 疾病的机制 和 risk, 通过人体生物学和器官系统的正常和疾病状态的镜头探索. 该程序提供了一个替代组合M.D./Ph.D. 为那些想要进行人类基因研究但又不想要M.D. 学位.

Our students become increasingly skilled 和 independent in adding to their knowledge 和 in identifying key questions 和 incisive approaches that can advance their fields. The ability to design incisive experiments that appropriately employ quantitative methods to analyze 和 interpret the data with rigor 和 integrity is central to their training.

The HGG program also strives to provide students with a diverse 和 inclusive environment 和 supports acquisition of fundamental skills for their chosen career path, 包括书面和口头沟通能力. 在他们的训练过程中, students are provided with opportunities to acquire the professional skills 和 experiences needed to guide selection of, 并促进过渡到, 任何相关的职业, 包括学术界和工业界的研究, 教学, 科学写作, 政策, 法律, 和咨询. 


The HGG program is distinct from other programs in the JHU 医学院 in its emphasis on human genetic variation; in particular, 起源, 人口分布, 以及对基因调控网络的影响, 因此, 人类遗传变异的表型效应. 在本质上, 遗传变异如何与环境变量相互作用,从而影响人类健康和疾病. HGG仍然是全国最著名的遗传学博士培训项目之一, 培养敏锐而富有创造力的思想领袖, 熟练使用新兴的遗传工具来剖析人类生物学/临床医学中的问题.

A curriculum equipped for the challenges in 21st century genetics as applied to human biology 和 medicine: The rapidly exp和ing appreciation of genetic variation in medicine 和 health has arisen in t和em with dramatic technological advances. Holding this in tension with foundational concepts in genetics has necessitated a significant evolution of our training paradigm. HGG提供独特的培训体验. 我们修订后的课程整合了遗传学方面的培训, 分子和细胞生物学与人类病理生物学训练, 疾病的机制, 计算和基因组工具, 使HGG学员了解遗传学在健康方面的新作用.

Built for data: Contemporary genetic research increasingly necessitates computational competence 和 utilization of large data sets. The diverse 和 highly integrated HGG preceptor community includes a uniquely trained cohort of computational geneticists with deep training in phenotype definition, 临床疾病, 机器学习和基因变异使我们的学生为当前和未来的数据驱动发现做好准备. 在最近被录取的学生中,31%从事计算密集型研究.

Unique exposure to the interface between patient care 和 research: We take advantage of our position in a prominent school of medicine to provide HGG students with several unique opportunities. 其中,许多学生参加每周的活动 DGM临床病例会议,让学生把基因研究放在临床相关的背景下. Our students have the opportunity to work alongside the clinical 和 genetic counseling teams in preparing reports for the 人类的孟德尔遗传(人类). 这提供了写作, 为学员提供临床和专业发展机会,这是其他地方无法提供的. 我们提供选修课, 了解遗传性疾病, 在医学遗传学家/咨询师的监督下,每个学生在诊所观察一个推荐十大正规网赌平台/家庭. 在课堂上, 总结了临床问题并进一步讨论了流行病学问题, 发病机理, 分子遗传基础, 治疗方案, 潜在的临床试验, 和研究需要的条件.

A training environment that promotes student initiatives 和 inclusivity: The HGG program promotes 和 has adopted student-initiatives to enhance diversity 和 inclusivity. 其中包括一个hgg发起的, JHUSOM-wide committee 和 seminar series to address issues impacting the role 和 visibility of individuals with physical 和 mental disabilities in science 和 medicine (科学和医学的平等机会); a seminar 和 discussion forum within HGG that addresses issues of race 和 gender-based inequities in genetics (遗传公平); 和 a forward-looking effort to foster relationships with historically black colleges 和 universities (HBCU) to enhance research experience 和 exp和 opportunity for careers in science amongst undergraduates populations that are underrepresented in science (BUILD2ASCEND). 

我们与摩根州立大学合作, 建立对密歇根州立大学BUILD2ASCEND项目的长期承诺. We have established two mini-symposia per year (Fall 和 spring) to be presented by HGG students describing their thesis research to engage interested MSU students. Our goal is to connect HGG students with 教学 和 mentorship experience 和 simultaneously provide MSU students with research 和 career 发展 experience that have immediate 和 long-term consequences. 感兴趣的密歇根州立大学学生将被邀请参加约翰霍普金斯大学的暑期研究实习, 和他们的HGG导师一起. 在HGG内部,这个项目是由 Dr. 格雷格•纽比


The Johns Hopkins 培训 程序 in Human Genetics 和 基因组学 (HGG) has grown steadily since its inception in 1980 in parallel with the spectacular growth of genetics 和 genomics 和 their application to medicine over the last three decades. 类似的, the Johns Hopkins 医学院 (SOM) continues to make commitments to human genetics as evidenced by the establishment of the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine (IGM) in 1999, 和 the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine | 遗传医学系 (DGM) in 2019; as well as the provision of state of the art research space in 2004, 2009年引入了一门名为“基因到社会”的新医学院课程, 哪个以遗传学和基因思维为基本原则. In 2013, the DGM continued to grow with the field by partnering with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public 健康 (JHSPH) 和 the National Human Genome 研究 Institute (NHGRI) to create the Maryl和 Genetics, 流行病学, 医学培训计划(MD-GEM), funded by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund/MD-GEM takes a multidisciplinary approach by combining the expertise of all three institutions, 培养新一代科学家.


导演: 安德鲁·麦卡里昂博士.D.
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副主任: 金伯利·多亨尼博士.D.
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管理员:S和y Muscelli
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主任们与项目管理员密切合作. S和y Muscelli,来处理项目的日常事务. Dr. McCallion served as Assistant Director for several years 和 provides valuable guidance to students throughout their training. Dr. Doheny是1993年人类遗传学项目的毕业生, 为大规模基因组学领域提供指导, 技术开发, 临床诊断和职业发展. Ms. Muscelli自1989年以来一直担任HGG的管理员. 她负责组织招聘和录取流程的各个方面, 管理预算, 处理日常行政事务. 如果你有问题,她应该是你第一个联系的人.

执行委员会成员提供额外的投入:David Valle(主席), 遗传医学教授,1988-2021年任培训项目主任, 丹发出火花的, 遗传医学教授, 玛丽Armanios一直, 肿瘤学教授, 希拉里·弗农, 遗传医学副教授和安布罗斯·旺卡姆, 教授兼主任, 遗传医学系. All members of the Executive Committee are extensively involved in the selection 和 recruitment of our students 和 in counseling students with questions 和/or problems.


学生代表由每个班级选出,代表学生在整个研究生生涯中发言. 职责包括组织整个学年的活动,包括巴顿·蔡尔兹讲座和活动, 与招生有关的学生活动, 这是学生综合考试前的练习讲座, 还有新生的入学指导. 另外, the senior student representative attends faculty meeting 和 convey pertinent information from these meetings to all HGG students. 必要时,他们充当学生和项目管理之间的管道.