
To request an appointment in any of our 遗传学诊所,请致电 410-955-3071.



If this is your first visit to a genetics clinic at Johns Hopkins, the following steps will help you navigate making an appointment. 从头到尾, 调度 an appointment may take up to 10 days, depending on the speed of insurance clearance, 接收记录, 还有其他因素.

Step 1 – Call Our Appointment Line

Call our central appointment line at 410-955-3071. Our staff in the genetics office will walk you through the steps to making an appointment. They will collect general and insurance information about the patient and will send you a medical history questionnaire.

步骤2 -完成问卷调查

Complete one of the following medical history questionnaires, and fax the completed questionnaire to 410-367-3231.

Your primary care physician can help you 完成 questionnaire. Genetic counselors review the questionnaire to determine each person’s medical urgency and the appropriate medical providers to schedule the appointment. People with medical urgency who should receive appointments sooner than the general population of our patients include infants under six months of age, children whose physicians diagnosed them as “failure to thrive” or children who have lost developmental milestones. 一般, our next available appointments are four to six months from the time you first call our appointment line.

步骤3 -保险清关

Our financial specialists will review your insurance information to confirm that it is active and will cover a visit with a medical geneticist, 基因顾问, 营养师和护士. They will also help obtain referrals and will determine eligibility and coverage for genetic testing.  You can help make this process faster by asking your primary care provider to fax a referral and records to 410-367-3231.

Step 4 – Scheduling Your First Visit

After your questionnaire and insurance status have been reviewed, our 调度 staff will contact you to schedule the first available appointment.

Questions about the status of your appointment?
拨打主预约热线 410-955-3071选项1


If you have been seen at one of our 遗传学诊所 within three years, call 410-955-3071, option 2, to schedule your follow-up appointment.

If three or more years have passed since your last appointment at one of our 遗传学诊所, please follow the instructions for new patients. You will not need to submit a new medical questionnaire.  The 基因顾问s will review your genetic medical record.

Available appointments fill quickly, so don’t delay in 调度 your next visit.

If You Live Outside the United States

约翰霍普金斯医学院 International pairs you with a medical concierge to arrange all aspects of your medical visit, paying special attention to your personal, 文化和旅游相关需求. Your medical concierge can arrange consultations and treatment plans with the most appropriate specialists. 约翰霍普金斯医学院 International also provides language interpretation, 金融咨询, assistance with travel arrangements and anything else to help make Johns Hopkins feel as close to home as possible.